

Enhance your understanding of Lutheran doctrine and practice! Colloquy is a program of theological study aimed at Lutheran teachers, administrators, and other Lutheran church workers who have not previously had the opportunity to formally study Lutheran doctrine. This program provides the education needed to be eligible for a call in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. It is our intent and our experience that this course of study will enrich your spiritual and professional life, leading you to infuse sound doctrine in the work that you do with the children and families of your school and your church.

Teacher Colloquy Program

The majority of students in the Colloquy program are Lutheran teachers seeking to enhance their classroom ministry. For these students, the Colloquy coursework consists of eight month-long online courses which may be completed in as little as eight months or as long as 40 months. Alternatively, the course schedule is designed to allow Colloquy students to complete the majority of their coursework over three summers.

There are two levels of participation in the Teacher Colloquy Program: traditional and professional enrichment.

traditional: Becoming Rostered

Most participants will be teachers employed by Missouri Synod schools and members of Missouri Synod congregations, but will not have had previous opportunity to receive formal training in Lutheran doctrine and therefore are not certified or rostered by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod as ministers of religion—commissioned. The Colloquy program is designed to address the needs of these traditional participants.

In order to become certified and rostered by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod as a minister of religion—commissioned, certain prerequisites set forth by the Synod’s Colloquy Committee for Commissioned Ministry must be met:

  1. The student must be a communicant member in good standing of a congregation of the Synod for at least the past two years.
  2. The student must possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
  3. The student must possess past or present state certification or an advanced degree in the field of education from an accredited university.
  4. The student must have completed one year of successful teaching in a school recognized by the Synod or demonstrate successful completion of student teaching in a Lutheran School under the supervision of a Concordia college or university offering a bachelor’s degree in teacher education.

In addition to the Colloquy coursework, an endorsement process must be successfully completed.

Professional Enrichment

Participants who do not meet the prerequisites may still complete the Colloquy coursework for the purpose of professional enrichment. All will benefit from the theological insights and discussions of doctrine which comprise the program.

There is no endorsement process for those participating for professional enrichment.

Participants who do not yet meet the prerequisites but anticipate doing so in the future may also complete the Colloquy coursework as professional enrichment. Once eligible, the student may elect to initiate the endorsement process.

College Credit

The Concordia online Teacher Colloquy Program courses may be eligible for college credit through Concordia University, Irvine. This opportunity is restricted to currently employed teachers. There are several small fees associated with this service payable to Concordia Irvine. Please contact CUEnet for more information.

Colloquy for Other Church Work Positions

CUEnet provides theology courses for other church work programs—DCE, DCO, DPM, Family Ministry, Deaconess, and Lay Ministry—however, students in these positions must begin the process through one of the seven Concordia Universities. CUEnet is more than happy to refer you to the appropriate university contact.


The typical cost of the Concordia online Teacher Colloquy Program is:

$ 7,192 | tuition for eight courses ($899 per course; subject to change)
$   172 | Concordia Electronic Theological Library (approx)
$     50 | endorsement processing (as applicable)
$ 7,414 | total before scholarships

CUEnet continually seeks scholarship opportunities for the teachers who enroll in the program. Please call for the latest information regarding scholarships.